Thursday, October 15, 2009

Wading through the Flood

Sad things come in different images. But we are never bitter. We will move on and start anew no matter how long it takes. No matter how hard it is.

For those who have been wondering, or doubting my tale of woe and adventure, just look at what the flood did to our house...

For the curious student, what you are looking at is my devastated computer corner, where many of your submitted work was kept. My cousin says the hard drive can still be saved. But don't fear. Your grades are ok, somewhat... in my USB. (whew)

Here's a far look at the sala. My dad say the upholstery of our couches can still be mended. I doubt it.

My parents' bedroom. Batman there was from our room and it got drifted into here.

our bedroom.

As you can see most of our clothes were washed out with mud.

Our dining area is none the worse.

As you can see with the mess of things...

Though the mud's been washed from it, thick chunks still lie within. And up to now the car would not start.

Our once vibrant garden. Gone.

So is our outside kitchen

As you can see.

It is for them that I must rebuild. So help me God.
Please... donate to our fund

Byte me!