Friday, June 18, 2010

Just a small thank you...

To my new classes I wish you a very happy welcome!

It's been long since I have enjoyed myself doing what I do best and I am telling you, I am truly grateful to have met you all.

It' like going back to my old university days, really. All that time cooped out without anything else to do can drive one nuts.

But with divine grace, a little prayer and making a lot of annoying, inquisitive phone calls had led me now to my fated place.

I'm glad I am back home.

But mind you, being a father of two angelic ruckus-makers makes life worthwhile, so this means being a teacher is my second best vocation.

Okay, so... enough with the chit-chat and let's get to what we love to do: WORK.

On the left side of this blog you will see some of the latest downloads you can have for our subjects. For those enrolled in Philippine Literatures, you can immediately find it under its namesake heading.

As for Art, Man and Society, you got two places to visit: your downloads and some virtual museums. I've been trying to find a virtual museum of the Philippine National Museum but it seems that the IT there is lacking some inspiration. Well, anyway, you can still visit their site. I will be giving you some research work using their website sometime soon, so please do visit them. They feel a bit lonely there.

Well, time's up for me and I'm off to prepare your powerpoints

(I still got to get used to using that since I know you love looking at funny pictures.)

Right. Be seeing you next week! Have fun.

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