Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Announcements Prior to Next Week's Exams

Since UST ELeap is often unavailable outside, I might as well tell it here:
Perhaps many of you already know that since Monday, I've not been feeling well because of my incessant cough. The doctor told me yesterday that I should take a rest. Well, he's right. He's the one with an MD at the last name and I have none. When I'll be back, I have no exact idea. The medical statement says I must rest for four days but I might try it at three. Teaching in CTHM is so much fun I feel like a smoker experiencing regresssive symptoms right now. You simply can't stop.

Now, on to the announcements:

For my classes at HUMANITIES -

Lucky enough that the musical "LARAWAN: THE MUSICAL" is available on YOUTUBE. You can download it there using your own Youtube downloaders or a gresemonkey script for Firefox. Just remember that for some of you, the answsers to my questions are still to be answered. But I am extending it until a week after the prelims. At least you can get to watch the entire musical in the comforts of your own room.

For my classes in Philippine Literature -

Too bad we weren't able to watch anything before the prelims. But rest assured, we will afterwards, but not immediately. As you understand, we must stick to the reporting schedule, most especially to the fourth year sections. Well, you know what to study and so, good luck.

For my class in World Literature -

Now here's the bad part. Supposedly, we are to watch "Chocolat" in its entirely today up until Friday. And that it will be part of your prelim exams. However, I decided not to include them anymore in our prelims. Instead, it will be part of our activity during the second half of our term. Sorry guys.


Anyway, that's it, then. Hope to see you soon. Good luck to everyone this coming week and rest assured your tests are easy enough. It's not like me not to see everyone. As you know I'm up to here with all the pressure my graduate studies are giving me, that and my preparation for my thesis defense.

And if you want to find out what exactly it is all about, look here...

As for now, I hope this message reaches the outside world as I am marooned here in one of the rooms in our house.

Bien Mabbayad out.

And to those who knows how to click the "Bye me" words below, here's a bonus feature...

Byte me!